
The Astronomy and Python Project began during the first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 as a way to incorporate coding into the teaching of astronomy at all levels. The project now has over 15 python activities and adaptable code delivered mainly as interactive Jupyter notebooks. The project has also led to the creation of the python package astroedu which aims to provide utility code and interactives for teaching astronomy. Find out how you can get involved in the project by selecting 'Get Involved' from the menu.

About me

Image of Dimitrios Theodorakis

My name is Dimitrios and I'm a software engineer and former science teacher (physics specialist) from the UK.

I first started coding when I was in secondary school and was formally taught Python and C++ at university (can you guess which I prefer?). I have used these python activities and other resources to teach the now dead BTEC Unit 16: Astronomy and Space course and for other classes.

I also wanted to create a place where I could store astronomy related data files for educational use and found it hard finding data in a suitable format online. You'll notice a few activities have data files supplied and extra code to create cool visualisations.

If you're using these resources or interested in teaching astronomy with Python get in touch! astrodimitrios(at)gmail.com

When I'm not coding I'll probably be baking or taking photos which you can see here!


S. Grafton-Waters et al 2021 Res. Notes AAS 5 172, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3847/2515-5172/ac1689

Dimitrios Theodorakis, science teacher, Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 62, Issue 6, December 2021, Page 6.43, https://doi.org/10.1093/astrogeo/atab108

Theodorakis, D., 2021, Teaching Astronomy with Python, Vol 531 ASP2020: Embracing the Future: Astronomy Teaching and Public Engagement, Conference Series


2017 – Awarded a place on the Junior Research Associate summer scheme at the University of Sussex to conduct research and host a visiting professor from the US

2014 - National Science and Engineering Competition, Royal Academy of Engineering Prize - The Langton Robotic Telescope (along with M Harrison and E Skinner)


2018 - 2019   University of Bristol, PGCE Secondary Science (Physics)

2014 - 2018   University of Sussex, MPhys Physics with Astrophysics (year abroad) (with research placement)


2020 - Simulation and Modelling of Natural Processes (University of Geneva/Coursera)

2020 - Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python (University of Michigan/Coursera)

2020 - Archaeoastronomy (Politecnico di Milano/Coursera)

2020 - Global Warming I: The Science and Modelling of Climate Change (University of Chicago/Coursera)

2020 - Global Warming II: Create Your Own Models in Python (University of Geneva/Coursera)


2021   National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) - Teaching Astronomy with Python

2020   Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP2020) - Teaching Astronomy with Python

2020   Global Hands on Universe Conference (GHOU) - Astronomy and Python

2018   Brighton Astro - A Tour of the Solar System and the Search for Planet 9

2013   National Astronomy Meeting (NAM) - The Langton Robotic Telescope